Provender Picks. March. Acer Feed

Provender Picks.  March.  Acer Feed

Each month we at Provender Nurseries will pick something of interest to highlight.  Welcome to Provender Picks:

Provender Picks for March:  Acer Feed

We all know the importance of feeding plants and with this in mind we are delighted to highlight a new feed we now hold in stock:  Vitax Acer Feed in a 0.9kg re-sealable weatherproof pouch. 

Vitax Acer feed is organic and the perfect balance of nutrients:  nitrogen, phosphate and potash, together with a blend of trace elements to encourage healthy leaf growth and vibrant foliage colour. 

The feed can be applied to existing Acers in the ground, in container and also added when planting.  One feed application will last a whole season. 

When planting out a new Acer:

  • In pots:  add 30g per 6 litres of compost
  • In the garden: add 30-60g to the bottom of the planting hole.  Mix a similar quantity with the soil backfill too for best results.

Applying to an existing Acer:

  • In pots: Work 30g into the top layer of compost on an annual basis
  • In the garden: Apply as a top dressing at a rate of 120g/ m2 beneath the spread of the branches.  In dry weather water in. 

Only £4.25 for a 0.9kg re-sealable weatherproof pouch. 

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