Nothing smells better on a winter’s day than the scent of a Hamamelis. It is spicy, warming and welcoming. Hailing from North America and East Asia they are natural woodland plants that form large shrubs or small trees. Frost-resistant spidery, scented flowers borne in clusters appear in January through to February. They also put on a good show in the autumn with the foliage colour display of a stunning mix of orange and yellows. The flowers are rather exotic looking with ribbon-like petals. We hold various options in stock, here are a few:
- Aphrodite. Very well named as you will fall for this one when you see the scented deep orange flowers.
- Arnold Promise. Bright, sunshine yellow scented flowers.
- Diane. Crimson red flowers in early February.
- Jelena. Rich coppery-orange flowers.
- Pallida. Deep yellow flowers.
- Ruby Glow. Deep red flowers.
Equally happy in woodland gardens and in the back of mixed borders these winter warmers are versatile and showy. Hamamelis are happy in well drained acid to neutral soil in full sun or partial shade. Plant with winter stem colour Cornus for a more dramatic show. With little pruning required Hamamelis really are worth a try. Keep in tip top condition with mulch each autumn.