Must have a Malus Multi-stem

Must have a Malus Multi-stem

These multi-stem Malus are really cracking trees in 35L pots at varying heights of 175-200cm and 200-250cm. 

Full of bud and superb shape, excellent for making a bit of a WOW when in full bloom and berry.

An absolute must have tree for wildlife, bees love the flowers, birds love the berries. 

  • Red Sentinel.  Upright, spreading habit with dark green leaves, white flowers and clusters of deep ref fruits that are held throughout the winter months. 
  • toringo Freja.  Dark pink buds open to creamy white flowers.  Foliage emerges purple in colour maturing to a dark – green – red.  Dark red fruit
  • Evereste.  One of the best Malus there is (in my humble opinion!). Pink-red buds open to reveal white flowers.  Masses of orange- yellow flushed fruit in the autumn.  Spreading habit. 

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