Magnolia Genie – Award winning

Magnolia Genie – Award winning

Looking though a trade magazine last week and article about Magnolia Genie caught our eye.  We hold this particular lovely in stock so we thought we would have a read of why Magnolia Genie deserves an award. 

The rather stunning Magnolia Genie has won an award from the trial committee of the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society.

Magnolia Genie originates from a breeder in New Zealand after 15 years of hard work.  The hard work has paid off with Magnolia Genie proving to be one of the best cultivars in the trials by the Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society.

Magnolia Genie proved to be a very compact growing form growing into a small, dense shrub up to 3m in height.  The cup-shaped flowers are bold burgundy and are not affected by frosts.  Blooming mainly in the spring, the flowers continue to be produced throughout the summer adding to the ornamental value of this award winning magnolia.

Alongside Magnolia Genie we have another 40 varieties of Magnolia in stock and with autumn approaching it is the perfect time to plant. 


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