Chionanthus virginicus, commonly known as Fringe Tree, Old Man’s Beard, Poison Ash and Virginian Snow Flower, is a slow-growing, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub or small tree. It is renowned for its striking floral display and attractive foliage.
In the late spring, you can expect to see a showy display of abundant, feathery, white, fragrant flowers, produced in pendent panicles. The green leaves of summer turn yellow in autumn. Small blue-black berries also appear in the autumn.
Though not often seen, Chionanthus virginicus is a useful addition to a sheltered site.
This small tree looks great in the following areas:
- Architectural gardens
- Wall side borders
- Flower borders and beds
Prefers full sun and a sheltered site. Plant in moist soils which are low pH (acidic).
Only 5 left in stock! Make sure you get yours quick to avoid missing out on this unique plant.
Chionanthus Retusus was the winner of the 'Tree of the Show' Award at Chelsea Flower Show 2024.