Baptisia – New Chelsea star of the show

Baptisia – New Chelsea star of the show

Seen all over Chelsea last week and planted in many gardens Baptisia has risen to the forefront being an excellent plant for late spring to early summer colour.

Known as False Indigo, Baptisia are a striking plant that gives great return for little effort – in other words, low maintenance and rather lovely to boot!

The flowers are almost Lupin-like in appearance and were originally used as a dye for fabrics. Flower colour depends on variety with purple, blue, yellow and maroon in colour.

The leaves are tri-foliate in shape, dark-blue to light yellow-green in colour and dense giving an almost shrub-like appearance.

Height ranges from 0.5 to 1m in height with tall upright flower spikes another 30-60cm above the foliage. The flower stems are covered in flowers that last for around six weeks. Once established Baptisia can produce massive numbers of flower spikes.

Great when planted with tall perennials, Baptisia are drought tolerant when established and will thrive in well drained soil. Leave the spent flower stems which will produce seed pods that look great in the winter time when covered in frost.

Baptisia – the new must have plant!

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