Big Baptisia

Big Baptisia

If you like a bit of the unusual, something that makes you stand out from the crowd, then Baptisia could be just what you’re looking for to lift your mixed borders up to another level. 

Baptisia is a tall, flowering perennial that is reminiscent of a Lupin with larger flowers, very upright spires and bluey-green foliage. 

Tidy in growth with some varieties reaching up to 1.2m in height but a tidy 60cm spread.  The tall flower spikes last from the start of June through to mid-late August providing a long-lasting show.  Following the flowers are large seed heads that ripen to deep grey in colour adding late interest. 

Great for bees in a time of plenty, but you can never have too many bees! Baptisia prefer a well-drained acidic soil.  Once planted, leave them be as they do not like to be moved around. 

We have a few excellent varieties in stock and more due in.  Apologies for lack of images but these beauties rarely stay around long enough to get pictures of the flowers!

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