Cyathea cooperi NOW IN STOCK

Cyathea cooperi NOW IN STOCK

Cyathea cooperi is an ever popular option for Fern and Tree Fern lovers alike.

Known by many names; Lacy Tree Fern, Australian Tree Fern, Coin Spot Tree Fern and Scaly Tree Fern. 

Whatever name you care to choose there is no doubting the subtle beauty of Cyathea cooperi with its slender central trunk that is covered in light brown scales with small teeth.  The crowing glory has to be the elegant arching fronds that can reach up to 3m in length. 

The silhouette created by the arching fronds is completely different to the better known Dicksonia antartica. 

We currently have 2 sizes of Cyathea cooperi in stock and 10 sizes of Dicksonia antartica. 

Tree Fern Tastic!

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