Lonicera nitida 'Twiggy'

Lonicera nitida 'Twiggy'


Fast growing evergreen shrub with dense bushy and compact habit which makes a very neat hedge. This is a new variety with masses of tiny bright golden leaves. Ideal for a small hedge or as an edge to a border or path but can also be grown as free standing golden leaved shrub. Small insignificant white flowers.

Ideal for low hedging or brightening up a dull spot.

Climate/Position: Plant in full sunlight for best colouring but also shade tolerant. Avoid cold and exposed sites.

Height/Spread: If grown as a shrub will reach 1.5m x 1.5m. As a hedge can be kept to just 60cm if only a low hedge required.

Soil Requirements: Any soils.

Pruning: Responds well to pruning. Trim once a year in late spring to early summer but if kept to a low hedge may be re trimmed in September.

Special Requirements:

A smaller more compact form of the well known Lonicera n. 'Baggesons Gold'.