Cupressus arizonica 'Fastigiata'

Description: Medium sized dense conical evergreen tree with blue-grey foliage all year round. The cloud like foliage is scale/cord like and so an interesting contrast to othe leaf shapes.
One of the best formal blue conifers in cultivation which can be grown as a specimen or focal point but is also useful as a narrow evergreen screen.
Climate/Position: Any position, tolerant of hot dry conditions.
Height/Spread: 10 metres very columnar habit.
Soil Requirements: Most soils but avoid wet conditions and thin chalk soils.
Pruning: No pruning required. Older specimens may be tied in discretely to retain columnar habit and reduce any winter damage.
This new tightly columnar form of Cupressus arizonica can be used as a more hardy substitute for the Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens