Chaenomeles x superba 'Knap Hill Scarlet'

Description: Chaenomeles are easy to grow popular deciduous shrubs which give excellent early flower before the leaves in March/ April. This popular cultivar has a short but wide spreading habit and produces bright orange scarlet flowerrs throughout spring and early summer followed by greenish 'quince' fruit in autumn which can be used to make jellies and jams. A reliable and very showy plant which has spiney tangled growth.
Uses: Use as free standing low spreading shrub in a mixed border or train against a wall or fence. The intertwining stems are suited to use against intruders.
Climate/Position: Sun or shade.
Height/Spread: Height 1.5 metres x 2.5 metres spread.
Soil Requirements: Not fussy so will suit most soils.
Pruning: Any pruning should be done straight after flowering in spring. If free standing as a shrub then only prune to shape. If trained against a wall then ensure a good framework is established then it is best to prune shoots each year to a spur i.e about 3 buds from the main stem to keep flat against the wall.
Additional Interest: Bred in Surrey at KnapHill