Professional Elliots Fertilisers

Professional Elliots Fertilisers

With so much planting going on in the last year there will need to be some feeding to keep plants, both newly planted and established, looking healthy, producing flowers and fruit and generally being able to fight pests and diseases better. 

A good feed really can work wonders for flowering and fruiting plants, making all the difference between a garden that looks good and a garden that positively thrives

Elliots 25kg sacks of fertilisers are aimed at the professional and are great value for money

  • Blood, Fish & Bone Fertiliser: Organic.  Promotes flower colour, fruit ripening, strong growth and root growth.  Can be used as a base fertiliser before planting and as a top dressing on established plants
  • Bonemeal Fertiliser:  Organic slow release fertiliser encouraging healthy root growth.  Great for use on bulbs when flowering has stopped
  • Calcified Seaweed: Rich in minerals.  Helps improves heavy soil structure and encourages beneficial soil bacteria
  • Flower & Vegetable Fertiliser:  Contains all the vital plant foods and trace elements essential for healthy plant growth.  Can be used as a base fertiliser before planting and as a top dressing on established plants (5:7.5:10 +1mg)
  • Growmore Fertiliser: Good, reliable all round fertiliser for all garden shrubs and trees.  Promotes healthy growth.  Can be used as a base fertiliser before planting and as a top dressing on established plants (7:7:7)
  • Rose Fertiliser:  Promotes strong growth and flowers.  Use in spring and gently hoe into the soil (5:5:10)
  • Sulphate of Ammonia Fertiliser: Quick acting fertiliser that encourages leafy growth.  Apply early in the growing season for a quick boost or when planting to aid quick establishment
  • Sulphate of Potash Fertiliser: Fast acting fertiliser for the development of healthy fruit and flowers.  Apply from march to September on all types of fruit trees.  Great for increasing plant resistance to pests and diseases

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