There’s something you don’t see every day - Desmodium elegans Pink Charm

There’s something you don’t see every day  - Desmodium elegans Pink Charm

Looking like a Cercis with pea green leaves this unusual herbaceous – sub-shrub is one for the plant lovers out there.

Desmodium elegans Pink Charm forms a woody sub shrub similar to an Indigofera in form with a lax habit reaching 1.2-1.5m in height and eventual spread. 

Pink pea-like flowers are freely produced from July and carry on to September when in the ground.   The leaves are extremely similar to a Cercis in shape. 

They prefer a warm, sunny site if possible with a wall to reflect heat.  Desmodium will die back to ground level each winter and benefit from being pruned hard in the winter months. 

This Pink Charmer is a great choice for late summer colour interest in both the foliage and the flowers. 

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