Biodegradable tree and hedging guards are in!

Biodegradable tree and hedging guards are in!

We are excited to announce that we have got an additional new stock line for our Going Green range… Introducing our biodegradable tree and hedging guards!


These products are a cost-effective alternative to plastic guards and of course, much better for the environment as they are biodegradable and compostable. The tree guards will naturally mulch down once your trees are established. The length of time that this takes will of course be dependant on climatic conditions.


Yes, the guards will mulch down but that isn’t to say they’re not waterproof - they are made from long fibre virgin pulp and have been through extensive waterproof barrier testing. They are made to last!

Why use biodegradable tree and hedge guards?

  • 100% biodegradable
  • 100% compostable
  • Plastic-free
  • Easy to use
  • Produced in the UK
  • Environmentally friendly vegetable inks
  • Cost-effective

Purchase your biodegradable guards today!

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