BULBS – Full range now in

BULBS – Full range now in

Full stock now in including:

  • Allium Purple Sensation
  • Fritillaria imperialis
  • Galanthus nivalis 
  • Hyacinthoides non-scripta.  Bluebells by any other name
  • Narcissi in range of colours and sizes in sacks of 20kg and smaller packs for smaller plantings
  • Tulips in a huge range of colours

Give your bulbs a good start in life with the Empathy Bulb Starter with Rootgrow.  A mixture of vermiculite and Mycorrhizal fungi formulated to promote a healthy root system for rapid development and improved flowering. 

For options of bulbs that attract Bees and Butterflies – check our factsheet on our website for some lovely options.

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