Zantedeschia 'Black Star'

Description: There are many new varieties of these handsome plants grown principally for their showy flowering spathes. This variety has dark purple / red glossy foliage as it emerges. turning to mottled green as it develops. This variety also displays exotic and stunning maroon-black spathes which look amazing. However, it is a tender variety which makes it excellent for growing in pots outdoors in the warmer months and then should be overwintered in the greenhouse or conservatory to ensure survival of the root tuber.
Climate/Position: Full sun to partial shade but
Zantedeschias enjoy it cool at the roots.
Height/Spread: up to 60cm
Soil Requirements: Moist soil is needed which is humus-rich.
Special Requirements: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested, handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction.
Synonym of Zantedeschia 'Edge of Night' this was hybridized by Randag an introduced in 2002.