Weigela florida 'Brigela'
Description: An exciting new yellow variegated Weigela with dark red trumpet shaped flowers. The boldly variegated leaves of green with lime-yellow leaf margins make the plant ideal for highlighting dark spots in the garden. Deciduous shrub easy to grow. More hardy than W. florida 'Variegata'
Uses: Suited to any border but careful choice of location and surrounding plants will ensure the plant is shown off to its best. Plant with green foliaged plants so it will be seen as a focal plant.
Climate/Position: Grows in sun or partial shade The leaves do not burn in the sun as with some variegated plants.
Height/Spread: Up to 2 metres height and spread.
Soil Requirements: Grows in any type of soil.
Pruning: When established it is best to remove one or two of the oldest stems at ground level each year to encourage new growth from the base and so rejuvenate the plant.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: Plant Breeders Rights apply. A sport of Weigela florida 'Bristol Ruby', Brigela is also known as 'French Lace' or 'Moulin Rouge' . It was developed by Briant in France.