Viburnum 'Pragense'

Description: Though similar to Viburnum rhytidophyllum (one of its parent) this Viburnum has smaller leaves and a more compact habit. The dark green evergreen leaves are deeply veined and wrinkled and form an excellent background to other plants. In spring large heads of cream flowers are seen.
Uses: Good as a hedge or screen as well as at the back of a border.
Climate/Position: Partial to full sun
Height/Spread: 3-4 metres height and spread.
Soil Requirements: Fertile well drained soils
Pruning: Shaping only as required after flowering in late spring.
Special Requirements: Note the tomentose (small hairs) on the underside of the leaf can be an irritant so use gloves and keep arms covered if pruning.
Additional Interest: Viburnumm rhytidophyllum × utile