Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star of Toscana'

Description: A recent introduction of the popular evergreen climber which was introduced from Tuscany, Italy. It differs from the spcies as the flowers are reach creamy yellow rather than pure white. These exquisitely scented pure white jasmine like flowers are produced from mid- to late summer. The rich, dark green leaves make a wonderful background to the clusters of spiral like flowers and the leaves also give additional interest as they turn a reddish colour in winter.
Uses: Can be grown in a large pot if well watered and fed in spring. Ideal if planted near a patio or seating area to appreciate the fragrance especially in a summers evening. A sheltered site preferred for successful overwintering. Also good if grown over an arch and mature specimens are redily available for an instant effect. Trellis or wires are needed to support the spiraling habit of the plant.
Climate/Position: Full sun to partial shade. It can be grown outside against a wall in milder climates but always protect from cold, drying winds.
Height/Spread: Up to 8 metres.
Soil Requirements: Though hardy it is best to ensure plants are protected from the coldest winter winds.
Pruning: If pruning required then do so as the plant starts into growth in the spring.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: Can also be grown in cold glasshouse/conservatory. Ensure free draining compost. Water freely in summer and use liquid feed. Keep on the dry side in winter.