Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Tuffet'

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Tuffet'

Description: A small growing tuffty mound of evergreen foliage.  In spring the dense foliage is golden in colour and matures to golden orange with hints of lime green.  The colour is richer in full sun and then in autumn and winter the colour is more bronze. A pretty cushiom like conifer which looks good planted in groups.

Uses: Good for use in any small garden where space is limited.  Also good in a rock garden, in a mixed border or planted with other dwarf conifers for a good effect especially in winter. Also good for container growing.

Climate/Position: Full sun or partial shade

Height/Spread:  60cm x 60cm 

Soil Requirements: Most well drained soils

Pruning: Should not be needed.