Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud'
![Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud' Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud'](/files/images/misc/thalictrum-aquilegiifolium-thundercloud-1548358366_n.jpg)
Description: A very pretty herbaceuas plant both for the fresh aquilegia like foliage which forms a mound of soft green rounded leaflets. In summer these are topped with taller stems of soft lilac lavender pink delicate spideryflower tufts. These look good when contrasted against formal planting so providing a contast of texture for best effect.
Uses: Any mixed border.
Climate/Position: Full sun or partial shade
Height/Spread: 1 metre x 45 cm
Soil Requirements: Any well drained soil but does best on alkaline soils with higher pH.
Pruning: Cut back the stems and foliag in the autumn after flowering.
Special Requirements: Sap of the plant may be irritant to skin so wear gloves when cutting. Can be lifted and divided after a number of years which is best done in October to November.
Additional Interest: The name Thalictrum comes from thallo to flourish referring to the mass of flowers produced.