Syringa vulgaris 'Madame Lemoine'

Description: A white flowered form of the very traditional garden favorite the lilac. Produces large panicles of beautifully scented double flowers which form large heads in later spring which attract the first butterflies and bees and the scent fills the garden. The flowers are creamy opening to pure white. The soft green heart shaped leaves are deciduous on this medium sized good compact shrub.
Uses: Grow as a shrub in any larger border, as a specimen in a smaller garden or as a small tree.
Climate/Position: Full sun to partial shade
Height/Spread: 5 metres x 4.5 metres
Soil Requirements: Rich humus rich well drained soil required also good on heavy clays.
Pruning: For best results then remove flower heads after flowering. Older stems may be removed for regeneration of plant if needed.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: Syringa were introduced from the mountains of South-Eastern Europe in the 16th century, since which numerous varieties have been introduced. Mdm Lemoine was introduced in 1890 so is one of the very old well tested favorites.