Sorbus 'Sunshine'

Description: A tree with interest throughout the seasons. Similar to more well known S. Joseph Rock, but the long lasting mass of yellow berries in autumn are larger and brighter. A medium sized tree with an upright habit which in spring is covered with a mass of white flowers much loved by insects, and in autumn the pinnate leaves colour to shades of red and orange giving quite a show. The long lasting berries last well into winter.
Uses: Suited to medium sized gardens as a specimen or at the back of a border.
Climate / Position: Full sun to dappled shade. Tolerant of windswept locations.
Height / Spread: Height 6-8m. Spread 6m.
Soil Requirements: Tolerates a wide range of soils except shallow chalk.
Pruning : No pruning required.
Special Requirements: Avoid chalk soils
Additional Interest: