Sedum spectabile 'Stardust'

Description: A white flowered form of the well known Sedum spectabile. Early rosettes of fleshy green leaves are followed by large flat heads of green buds which open to greenish white long lasting panicles. The flowers are loved by bees and butterflies as a rich source of nectar and when in bloom the flowers are always covered with insects. Finally brown seed heads remain of interest throughout autumn and winter.
Uses: Good in any sunny borders whether herbaceous or mixed. Also good with late flowering perennials and grasses. Suitable for a dry garden as no watering required. Best when planted in large drifts for effect.
Climate/Position: Full sun for the best plants, drought resistant.
Height/Spread: 50 cm x 50 cm.
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil. Apply a good mulch to encourage rich growth and better volume of flowers.
Pruning: Leave dead heads on until spring before removal then cut to ground level. Try the Chelsea chop! End of May (ie the week of Chelsea Flower Show) reduce the stems by half. this will encourage shorter more sturdy stems and more prolific flowers
Special Requirements: Best if clump divided and replanted after several years to refresh as the center of the plant will become depleted and stems long and more likely to collapse.
Additional Interest: Sedum are fabulous for attracting insects such as bees, butterflies, lacewings and ladybirds so good for a wildlife garden.