Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna

Description: An evergreen shrub noted for the exquisitely scented flowers produced in winter.  This form is more slender than the speciaes and the petaless flowers have only two stamen.  Black berries in winter.

Uses: As with all sarcococca then ideal for a shady spot and good for use as ground cover and woodland plants. Good for any border large or small and good when planted in groups as they are then more likly to produce berries. Plant near a pathway so the scent can be appreciated in the winter months.

Climate/Position: Can be grown in shade or partial sun.

Height/Spread: up to 1 metre x 1 metre

Soil Requirements: Can be grown in acid or alkaline soil though a preference for slightly acidic soil is noted.

Pruning: No pruning required.

Special Requirements: A suckering shrub so may for a slightly spreading form over time.

Additional Interest:   Sarcococca are all monoecious meaning that male and female flowers are carried separately, but on the same plant. The name is derived from the Greek words sarkos meaning flesh, andkokkos meaning a berry, a reference to the fleshy fruits of the plant. This variety was named in honour of either Sir William Jackson Hooker or his son Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, both of whom were botanists and Directors of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew