Rosa mundi
Description: Old variety of shrub rose with showy deep pink and white stripped and blotched flowers make this look like a modern rose. In fact it is one of the oldest roses which remains incredibly popular. This old rose shrub rose produces semi-double blooms being large with splashes of pink and white on a crimson background. Though not repeat flowering the blooms provide an eye catching display.
Uses: Will form a very good low hedge. Suited to a mixed border.
Climate/Position: Sunny position prefered
Height/Spread: 1 metre x 1 metre
Soil Requirements: Though roses will tolerate most soil types, for best results roses prefer deep, rich, free draining soils with plenty of organic matter.
Avoid planting in sites that have previously been used for growing roses. Add organic matter before planting and mulch regularly for best results.
Pruning: Only light pruning is recommended. In February remove any dead and diseased stems and any weak and thin stems. The height should also be lightly trimmed no more that one third and dead head after flowering.
Special Requirements: Feeding roses in spring and applying annual mulch will enhance performance, encourage healthy growth and lead to improved flowering.
Additional Interest: First described in 1583, Rosa Mundi is said to be named after Fair Rosamund, mistress of Henry II.
It is thought its origin is from the12th century when the most popular rose grown was the ‘Apothecary’s Rose’- Rosa gallica officianalis. It was also known as the ‘Red Damask which later became the famous ‘red rose’ emblem of the Lancastrian family. It was this particular rose that underwent a natural colour mutation to produce the now legendary striped rose