Rodgersia 'Bloody Mary'

Description: A new variety with striking red-pink flowers produced on pink-red stems in Jun-August against very beautiful dark green/bronze large and architectural foliage. The flowers develop to reddish maturing seed heads from Aug-Nov for added autumn interest.
Uses: An excellent herbaceous plant which looks particularly good by the side of water whether stream or pond.
Climate/Position: Full Sun - or partial shade - shelter from cold winds.
Height/Spread: Flowers and foliage up to 60cm
Soil Requirements: Fertile moist well-drained soil - humus rich - will tolerate a drier spot if shady.
Pruning: Tidy plants in late autumn by cutting back the dead foliage and flowers.
Special Requirements: To ensure soil around Rodgersia remains moist then applying a mulch will help retain moisture.
Additional Interest: The genus was named after the US Admiral, John Rodgers, commander of the expedition in which R. podophylla was discovered in the 1850s in Asia.