Rhus typhina 'Dissecta'
Description: A large suckering shrub also known as Rhus 'Laciniata' with open habit mostly grown for it large feathery leaves and brilliant fiery autumn colour. The stems of the shrub are coated in fine velvety hairs like stags horns. The finely disected leaves are soft green in summer turning to superb red, orange and yellow before falling and look good with the red velvety covered seed heads at the end of each stem.
Uses: Any border or cottage style planting.
Climate/Position: Full sun for best autumn colour.
Height/Spread: 1.5- 2.5 metres height and spread.
Soil Requirements: Moist well drained soil.
Pruning: Best if left unpruned as this may encourage suckering.
Special Requirements: All parts of the plant are very toxic so use gloves if any pruning necessary.
Additional Interest: If suckers arise from near the plant they can be removed and grown on as new plants.