Rhododendron 'Titian Beauty'
Description: A beautiful neat compact shrub with dense habit and deep green leaves which have attractive velvety brown indumentum beneath. Geranium to vermilion coloured waxy flowers in neat trusses in late spring until early summer. The bold flowers provide a colourful display. Flower funnel-campanulate, wavy-edges, waxy, moderate red. Lax truss holds about 9 flowers.
Uses: A good choice for the front of a mixed border or planting at the base of larger growing Rhododendrons. Also perfect for container planting.
Climate/Position: Dappled shade though this variety will tolerate an open site.
Height/Spread: 1 metre x 1 metre.
Soil Requirements: Rhododendrons prefer soils with a low pH or peaty/ ericaceous soil to avoid chlorosis or yellowing of the leaves.
Pruning: Generally avoid pruning. Flower stalks can be pinched out (by finger and thumb rather than secateurs) when flowering is complete.
Special Requirements: Applying a mulch regularly around the plant will help moisture retention in the soil. Where plants struggle a little if not grown in soil with low pH, then Rhododendrons will always benefit from an annual feed of sequestered iron to ensure the plants do not suffer from iron deficiency which is indicated by interveinal chlorosis or yellowing of leaves between the veins.
Additional Interest: A hybrid of (facetum x Fabia Tangerine) x (degronianum ssp yakushimanum x Fabia Tangerine)