Rhododendron macabeanum

Description: This is one of the best species Rhododendrons. A choice evergreen with dark green leaves up to 30cm long that are covered with a grey-white indumentum on the underside. Mature specimens can grow up to 6 meters with a broad flat top. The enormus trusses of bell shaped deep yellow flowers are bourne in March and April. The new leaves are light grey - green and are bordered with coloured bracts.
Uses: Best in a woodland setting. It makes a very fine choice specimen in a large garden
Climate / Position Dappled to deep shade.
Height / Spread: Height 6m. Spread 6m
Soil Requirements: Moist, well-drained, leafy acid soil. Water freely in growing season to establish the plant well.
Pruning: None needed.
Special Requirements: Applying a mulch will help moisture retention in the soil.
Where plants struggle a little if not grown in soil with low pH, then Rhododendrons will always benefit from an annual feed of sequestered iron to ensure the plants do not suffer from iron deficiency which is indicated by interveinal chlorosis or yellowing of leaves between the veins.
Additional Interest: This plant was introduced by Frank Kingdom-Ward about 1928.