Rhododendrom Inkarho - Brigitte

Description: A compact and spreading habit with mass of pretty soft pink flowers in late May to June against the lush green foliage. This plant is however noted for its lime tolerance due to the grafted rootstock of R inkharo.
Uses: Suited to growing on solis where rhododentrons are not usually recommended.
Climate/Position: Sheltered shady position
Height/Spread: 1.2m x 1.2metres.
Soil Requirements: A lime tolerant Rhododendrons so of note as can be grtown in any free draining soil rather than onlyin a low pH soil.
Pruning: Generally avoid pruning. Flower stalks can be pinched out (by finger and thumb rather than secateurs) when flowering is complete. Well established plants will respond well to regenerative pruning if required.
Special Requirements: Applying a mulch regularly around the plant will help moisture retention in the soil. Where plants struggle a little if not grown in soil with low pH, then Rhododendrons will always benefit from an annual feed of sequestered iron to ensure the plants do not suffer from iron deficiency which is indicated by interveinal chlorosis or yellowing of leaves between the veins.
Additional Interest: insigne (s) X 'Mrs J. G. Millais'.
The Inkharo Rhododendron was introduced at the 2011 RHS Chelsea Flower Show as a revolutionary lime tolerant rootstock allowing the growing of Rhododendrons on neutral clay soils, up to pH7.5. Developed from a Rhododendron growing in a German lime quarry, and introduced after 20 years of breeding and testing.