Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain'

Description: A useful clump-forming herbaceous perennial for ground cover in a lightly shaded spot. The leaves have an interesting silvery blotches in spring. This variety produces drooping clusters of funnel-shaped long lasting flowers which are a single colour of cobalt blue. After flowering it produces a further flush of leaves for summer interest.
Uses: Really useful for spring colour in a wooded or shady garden. Good when mass planted for ground cover.
Climate/Position: Shady position
Height/Spread: 30cm x 60 cm spread.
Soil Requirements: Any soils.
Pruning: Best if cut back after flowering to rejuvenate with a new flush of leaves.
Special Requirements: .
Additional Interest: The name Pulmonaria comes from Pulmo meaning lung as it was regarded as a remedy for lung disease - hence the common name.