Pseudowintera colorata

Pseudowintera colorata

Evergreen shrub. This unusual plant is a native to New Zealand and grows to be a medium sized evergreen shrub with dark bark. The foliage is an attractive cream colour with younger leaves dashed with pink and red (colorata). The leaves are very pungent to taste with a peppery tang and used therapeutically in Australia and New Zealand. Small creamy yellow flowers appear in spring on stems. Red or black fruit are palatable to birds.

Look great in a woodland situation and do best in a sheltered border. Definitley a touch of the unusual.

Climate/ Position: Can take full sun or dappled shade sheltered from prevailing winds.

Height / Spread: Erect habit reaching 2m in height and spread.

Soil Requirements: Moist but well drained soil.

Pruning: Trim shoots that spoil symmetry.

Special Requirements: Neutral to acid soil. Likes a sheltered position.