Prunus persica 'Purpurea'

Prunus persica 'Purpurea'

Description: The Peach plant has particularly lovely blossom of soft pink large flowers in spring. In addition this form has purple leaves emerging as the blossom fades and remains a purple leaved tree for the summer. Not a fruiting form but a decorative tree for sunny situation in any garden

Uses: As a specimen in a sunny smaller garden or in any sunny site in the garden.

Climate/Position: Open sunny position preferred to ensure best shape and flowering..

Height/Spread: 6 metres

Soil Requirements: Tolerant of most well drained soils including lime/chalky soils.

Pruning: No pruning necessary except shaping young trees or removal of crossing branches. In older trees dead branches may be removed. Prune in mid summer after flowering.

Special Requirements:

Additional Interest: The peach plant was first introduced to Britain by the Romans.