Pittosporum tobira 'Variegatum'
Description: An evergreen shrub with bushy rounded habit. The leaves are variegated cream and green and are larger than the more commonly grown New Zealand species. The creamy white flowers are nicely scented of orange blossom and produced in late spring.
Good for container growing and for conservatory / greenhouse use.
Climate/Position: Sun or partial shade, good for coastal positions but needing protection as often seen as a tender evergreen.
Height/Spread: 2 metres plus x 2 metres spread
Soil Requirements: All types of well drained soil, drought tolerant.
Pruning: Generally not required.
Special Requirements: Avoid cold North or East winds.
Carl Thunberg of the Dutch East India Company identified but incorrectly classified this species from Japan as Euonymus tobira. It was accurately classified by William Aiton, 1731-1793 and since then a number of cultivars have been produced with this being the most well known.