Physocarpus opulifolius 'Angel Gold'

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Angel Gold'

Description: Deciduous, compact shrub with fabulous lemon-yellow three lobed leaves which have a thin copper margin in the spring and they turn yellow later giving really good colour and later good yellow autumn colour and peeling bark for winter effect. Insignificant white flowers are borne in the summer.

Climate/Position: Sun or light shade for best colour. Avoid direct sun which may scorch the leaves.

Height/Spread: 2 metres tall x 1 metre spread.

Soil Requirements: Though some Physocarpus prefer acid soil, P.opulifoilus will tolerate any moist soil.

Pruning: Generally no pruning required.

For regenerative pruning remove one or two of the oldest stems at the base of plant after flowering in early summer to encourage new shoots to form.

Special Requirements:

A new cultivar of golden Physocarpus with compact habit which is very suitable for a small garden.