Miscanthus sinensis 'Hermann Müssel'

Description: An upright perennial grass forming a clump of arching leaves which are dark green. In late summer it becomes very distinguished with beautiful panicles of pink-flushed, silvery, light brown flowers held well above the foliage.
Good for planting within a border or for mass planting in a landscape situation where it can bring movement to the garden as the flowers and leaves away in any breeze. Good when planted with autumn flowering perennials.
Climate/Position: Plant in full sun to light shade.
Height/Spread: 1.8 metre x 1 metre clump forming.
Soil Requirements: Any soil preferably rich in nutrients and moist but is also drought tolerant.
Pruning: Cut back to ground level in March. The grass and seed heads give good colour and interest through winter months.
Special Requirements:
Introduction by Ernst Pagels in Germany.