Malus 'John Downie'

Description: An old variety of crab apple remaining popular. A relatively small erect deciduous tree which becomes wide spreading with age. Has several seasons of interest - white apple blossom appear in profusion in May and in autumn the tree produces bright orange and red conical fruit which are considered to be the best for jelly and wine making winter. As these are so prolific the tree is a picture of colour in autumn. It is self-fertile and is an excellent pollinator for fruiting apples.
Uses: Garden situation and as a pollinator for fruit trees
Climate/Position: Full sun or light shade. Avoid planting in windy exposed or very dry areas.
Height/Spread: Small tree reaching 6m x 4.6m
Soil Requirements: prefers a fertile well drained soil
Pruning: Prune to shape during the winter months but avoid excessive pruning.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: Though self pollinating, for best fruiting results then plant other Malus nearby ( or check if the neighbour has a Malus tree!) to ensure good pollination. This results in regular and more prolific fruiting.
Garden origin before 1891