Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora'

Description: Produces a mass of large multi-petaled double flowers in April and then will continue to produce flushes of flower throughout summer and into autumn. The plant spreads to forma a ticket and for the best plants then prune annually as below.
Uses: Good in sunny borders where there is room for it to develop a good sized clump. Popular as a cottage garden plant and good mixed with roses and also good against a wall.
Climate/Position: Though a sunny site is good this can bleach the flowers so partial shade may be preferred.
Height/Spread: 2 metres x 1.5 metres spread.
Soil Requirements: Any soil
Pruning: Best if the old flowered shoots are removed at ground level after flowering so that new shoots develop. The older shoots if not removed will die back and cause ugly congestion of the plant as do shoots which are cut back by half rather than at ground level.
Special Requirements: Older plants may be divided to provide new plants as you would with a herbaceous plant.
Additional Interest: Named after William Kerr, botanist with Joseph Banks. Kerr found the species in China in 1804.