Hydrangea Pinky Winky
Description: An unusual two tone effect is created as the mass of star-like bracts emerge from white buds which gradually fade to pink as they age giving the panicles a distinct two-tone show white at the tip and pink at the base. The sturdy stems and long erect flower panicles provide excellent late summer colour and is proving deservedly popular.
Uses: Good in a mixed border where they are ideal for providing late colourin August and September. Good also as a specimen or as a hedge where the show can be superb. Flower seed heads can be cut for long lasting display.
Climate/Position: Full sun or light, dappled shade.
Height/Spread: 1.5 metres x 1.5 metres.
Soil Requirements: Well drained, fertile soil the pH not affecting the flower colour as it might in many Hydrangeas.
Pruning: Plants may be left unpruned or cut back only lightly, however in recent trials hard pruned plants, cut back to a bud 30 - 40 cm above the ground in March, showed increased size of the flower heads and also prevented plants from getting too large. Prune in March as flowers are produced on the growth made between Spring and Summer.
Special Requirements:
Additional Interest: In 1862, the German physician Philipp Franz von Siebold brought the earliest introductions of H. paniculata from Japanese gardens and on a later visit returned to Europe with the cultivar now known as ‘Grandiflora’.
It was only in the in the 1970s that any new forms were introduced and then in the 1990s some outstanding new cultivars were introduced by the Boskoop nurseryman Peter Zwijnenburg from seed selection including this one.
Plant Breeders Rights apply