Hydrangea macrophylla 'Elbtal'
Description: A compact form of mop-head hydrangea. The inflorescence of jagged flowers produced in July to October are balls of rich blue sterile bracts with attractive yellow centres.
Flowers are produced on stems from the previous seasons growth. This is why protection over the winter will ensure flower buds remain intact for a full summer display. Hydrangeas continue to be among the showiest of summer and autumn flowering woody plants. This cultivar will be best in acidic (low pH) soils for blue flowers, if the soil is alkaline the the flowers will be shades of pink.
Uses: They are shade tolerant and grow well on the shady side of a building or under trees. The dried flower heads are often used in flower arrangements
Climate/Position: Prefers a sheltered site in light shade. protect from the coldest winter frosts. Avoid full sun in spring and summer
Height/Spread: Up to 1.2 metres
Soil Requirements: Fertile soil prefered. As with many hydrangeas, the colour of the flower is influenced by the soil pH.
Pruning: If pruning required then this should be undertaken after in late spring but some flower shoots will be removed at this time..
Special Requirements: Mulch to maintain moisture. Plant in acidic soils or in ericaceous compost. Feeding with flowers of sulphur will help maintain blue flower colour.
Additional Interest: A recent cultivar introduced from Germany. Plant Breeders Rights apply