Hosta undulata var. albomarginata

Description: An herbaceous perennial grown mostly for its oval-shaped, dark green leaves with irregular white margins and wavy edges formed by a twisting in the leaves and stems giving additional interest. Spikes of funnel-shaped, rich lavender flowers borne above the foliage in early to mid-summer.
Uses: Has wide range of uses in beds and borders, in containers, used as ground cover or specimen plants near waterside. Plant in shade for best effect.
Climate/Position: Shade or partial shade.
Height/Spread: Forms a dense matt of leaves to 45cm spread 90 cm, flower spikes taller.
Soil Requirements: Grow in moist or even wet but well-drained, fertile soil.
Pruning: No pruning but tidy as leaves die back in autumn.
Special Requirements: A mulch applied in autumn or spring is beneficial especially on dryer soils to help retain moisture in the soil. Some slug control is beneficial on heavier and wet soils or the use of containers helps reduce potential leaf damage.
Additional Interest: Hostas were introduced by Austrian botanist Nicholas Host (1761-1834).