Hosta 'Twilight' (fortunei)

Description: A recent and distinct introduction of the herbaceous perennial. Hosta `Twilight`, has wide yellow leaf margin, and a shiny leaf surface.
Uses: The robust habit is proving very suitable for landscape use or container growing.
Climate/Position: A shade lover but more tolerant of sun than sometimes noted growing best with full morning sun. proving to be very hardy.
Height/Spread: Forms a dense mat of leaves to 40cm spread 60 cm, flower spikes taller up to 90cm - more vigorous than many.
Soil Requirements: Grow in moist or even wet but well-drained, fertile soil, however, also tolerates dry shade and drought.
Pruning: No pruning but tidy as leaves die back in autumn.
Special Requirements: A summer mulch is beneficial especially on dryer soils. Some slug control is beneficial on heavier and wet soils or the use of containers helps reduce potential leaf damage.
Additional Interest: Hostas were introduced by Austrian botanist Nicholas Host (1761-1834) .
This is a new and distinct variety which is a mutation selection of the cultivar Hosta `Fortunei Auereomarginata`derived as a sport through tissue culture. The plant was discovered by Gerrit van Eijk Bos and Dirk van Erven in Rijswijk, Netherlands.