Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird'
Description: Hibiscus are useful for late summer colour as they produce their showy flowers late in the season - from July to October. The large trumpet shaped mallow flowers are rich mid - violet blue each with a magenta centre and though an old variety it maintains popularity.
A large shrub suited to a mixed border in a sunny position.
Climate/Position: Sunny sheltered site prefered.
Height/Spread: 2- 3 metres x 1-2 metres
Soil Requirements: Any well drained fertile soil but slightly alkaline is preferable.
Pruning: Avoid pruning unless removing damaged stems or shaping the shrub.
Special Requirements: Be patient in spring as it is very late coming into leaf so don't think it has died!
Though it is not know how it was introduced into cultivation, the species was present in the UK in the 16th century.
This cultivar introduced in the 1960s