Hibiscus 'Rose Moon'
Description: A hardy Hibiscus with glossy, dark-green foliage and from late summer through to the autumn, large, single, rose-pink flowers with red centres, up to 20cm across. It forms an upright, deciduous shrub.
Uses: A large shrub suited to a mixed border in a sunny position.
Climate/Position: Sunny, sheltered site prefered.
Height/Spread: Height 2-3 metres, spread 1-2 metres.
Soil Requirements: Any moist, well-drained, fertile soil but prefers neutral to alkaline.
Pruning: Avoid pruning unless removing damaged stems or shaping the shrub.
Special Requirements: Be patient in spring as it is very late coming into leaf so don't think it has died!
Additional Interest: Though it is not know how Hibiscus were introduced into cultivation, the species was known to be present in the UK in the 16th century.
Rose Moon is a hybrid between Hibiscus syriacus and Hibiscus paramutabilis.