Heuchera 'Peach Flambé'

Description: This recent introduction of the semi-evergreen, herbaceous perennial grown for its smooth, rounded leaves that are flame red-orange in spring fading to a rich peach later and then fading to purple in winter. In spring the delicate white, bell-shaped flowers on dainty stems are produced. Heucheras have rocketed in popularity in the last few years due to the many new hybrids that have been developed to include leaves of green, purple, chocolate, pink, orange, amber, yellow, and combined colours.
Uses: Ideal for containers planting. The strong rich colour of this hosta needs careful combination planting but when planted against greens will look stunning and bring light to an otherwise shaded area.
Climate / Position: Partial shade prefered for richest colour and so the colour is not washed out by the sun.
Height / Spread: Height 40cm. Spread 40cm.
Soil Requirements: Prefers a fertile soil. Moist but well drained.
Pruning: None required. Remove faded leaves in spring.
Special Requirements: Best foliage colour is produced in semi-shade.
Additional Interest: Plant Breeders Rights Apply (PBR) Bred by Janet Eger.
Heuchera are resistant to the chemical Juglone produced by walnut trees to suppress vegetation beneath the canopy, so can be used in this difficult planting situation.