Hebe 'Midsummer Beauty'

Description: One of the older and stronger growing forms of Hebe which remains deservedly popular. A larger form of this group of evergreens, producing a rounded bush with dark green leaves which are purplish on the underside and have purple tinged new growth. Throughout summer the bush is covered in masses of long rich lavender blue flower racemes which fade to white and so give a multi coloured appearence
Uses: Good at the back of a border for its dark green foliage but then adds a mass of colour to the border in the summer. Can be used for an informal hedge in sunny, sheltered locations. Good for multiple planting in landscape situations.
Climate/Position: Sunny site.
Height/Spread: 2.5 metres high x 1.5 metres spread.
Soil Requirements: Free draining soil
Pruning: Generally no pruning required bu can be trimmed back after flowering or in late winter to encourage fresh growth.
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