Hebe 'Baby Boo'

Hebe 'Baby Boo'

Description: Another new introduction of Hebe which makes a compact  plant with lots of seasonal interest making it very worthwhile to grow.  The evergreen foliage is bluey green edged with a creammy yellow margin throughout summer.  In winter this foliage turns pinky red with the cold weather.  In summer the fresh foliage is topped with racemes of purple blue flowers which continue through to autumn.

Uses: Good for the front of borders in sunny locations.  Also ideal for container planting and small gardens.

Climate/Position: Sunny site, dry situations and tolerant of drought.  Best protected from coldest winter winds to avoid winter damage.

Height/Spread: 60cm x 60cm

Soil Requirements: Any free draining soil

Pruning: Little pruning but old flowers may be trimmed back in late winter before the new flush of flowers.

Special Requirements: 

Additional Interest: Plant Breeders Rights apply(PBR)