Geranium renardii

Geranium renardii

Description: Attractive foliage and flowers in neat clumps. The scalloped leaves of grey green have a lovely velvety texture and then in early to mid-summer opal white flowers with distinctive violet veins are seen. A tough and versatile Geranium suitable for difficult cold conditions and ideal for the front of a border, use as ground cover when planted in groups, or grown in containers.

Climate/Position: Full sun or part shade

Height/Spread: 30cm x 30cm

Soil Requirements: Any well drained soil. Flowering is best in poor soils. Does not tolerate wet conditions.

Pruning: Tidy plant in autumn by cutting back dead leaves and cover with a thin layer of mulch every few years.

Special Requirements: None

Native habitat is cliffs and rocky meadows above 2000m so very hardy.

After a number of years then clumps can be lifted and divided to regenerate, this is best done in March.