Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple'

Fuchsia 'Mrs Popple'

Description: An older hardy fuchsia variety which remains a popular choice for mixed borders especially in a lightly shaded position. It is a free-flowering plant with showy large pendant single blooms - the tube and sepals are scarlet, while the corolla (skirt) is violet purple.

Though the stems usually die back in all but the mildest locations, after cutting back in spring it quickly produces a bushy plant ready to flower throughout mid summer to October on arching stems.

Climate/Position: Full sun, partial sun or shade.

Height/Spread: Up to 1.5metres x 1 metre

Soil Requirements: Moist but well drained sandy/light soils prefered for overwintering in wet winters.

Pruning: Cut back in March/April after worst of winter weather. Pinching out the tips of new growth will encourage a bushy habit and more prolific flower display.

Special Requirements: Addition of mulch and /or general feed in spring will enhance growth and flower production.